Saturday, 2 November 2013

Exhibition success!

Our exhibition was an unqualified success!  As ever, the setting up was a little stressful, but the helpers all took it in their stride, and did their usual fabulous job of displaying the quilts.
Our banner was still looking good, although Di said that she had had to repair a few of the letters where the wind had damaged them slightly.

The sales table was very popular, and lots of fabrics and ready made items were sold.
Here is a better view of the goodies available, fabric bowls, fat quarters, book covers, pin cushions, broaches, threads, cushions, wall hangings, magasines, books and lots more. 

No exhibition would succeed without a good refreshments area, and this was quiet, restful, and furnished with an amazing array of delicious home made cakes.

Here you can see how the quilts were laid out - lots of space for visitors to admire them.

Here is our trader, Jenny, who kindly came along after our original trader let us down.  She had an array of fabrics and kits to tempt us.  (I certainly succumbed!)

June did us proud with the raffle (as usual) and made baskets to illustrate 'A Quilter's Year'.  There were baskets of delights on the theme of the four different seasons, Christmas and Easter.  These prizes were very popular indeed!

Here are Eileen and Jenny on the door.  They made sure to give Visitor's Choice slips to everyone.

here are some of the 'House and garden' quilts, designed by Andrea.  They were all fabulous, and all so individual.  Most people had modified the design slightly, and some had used it as a basis for their individuality.  What a talented bunch we are!

These three quilts are a kind of 'variation on a theme'!  The blocks are in different places on the middle and left hand quilt, while the right hand quilt has a different block at the top.  Wonderful!

More variations in blocks and borders,

and more variations in colourways.  (Is that a ladder I see on the trapunto tree?!)  If you missed out on the mystery quilt, and would like the pattern, Bunty is proposing to print some more.  The cost will be £10 (as it will be a much smaller run) and if you would like one, please leave a comment on this post or contact Lynda. 
The whole exhibition attracted over 250 visitors and was praised by all.  Here's to the next one in 2015!