June had already set the laidback tone for the evening with these fabulous raffle prizes!
Sea, foam, sand and relaxation in a deck chair! Here's a close up of the most relaxed reel of cotton I the world! (I love those crossed ankles!)
There was plenty of show and tell. First up was Sian's Magic Tile. She had personalised it for one of her children. That is so clever!
This quilt was made from strips from a fabric range with lovely silver accents. It looks beautiful.
Here is an Irish Chain variation. The dark squares really draw the eye into the pattern.
Gaynor is well known for her use of blue and pink. She decided to challenge herself to move out of her comfort zone and make a yellow quilt! The squares are all farm prints, and I think the quilt looks fresh and sunny. Why not try purple or orange next time, Gaynor?!
Carole had two half jelly rolls which she wasn't too keen on. She decided to make them up using the method where you join all the pieces together into one long strip, fold it in half and join, then keep folding it in half until it reaches a reasonable size. It looks super, and I love the cream binding.
Here is a top which Maggie made and then donated to Project Linus. Beautiful.
Another Linus top, this time made by Betty. It's very scrappy and gorgeous, but it looks even better with the addition of a few pink flowers.
Paula makes lots of Linus quilts, and this one seems to have moved when I tried to photograph it! Simple colours and simple shapes make for a delightful result!
Another Linus quilt made by Maggie. These Choppy Stars will make a lovely cot quilt.
A very graphic design with bright colours. Great borders.
Denise had bought lots of Japanese fabrics with large designs. She loved them but wasn't sure what to do with them. Then she saw this design and hey presto a perfect design!
Jan is another prolific charity quilter. This one is for Linus. Pretty and pink.
Ruth made this colourful children's quilt. (She confessed to also having broken one of the commandments, but I won't reveal which one!) It's gorgeous and must have been great fun to make.
Another of Jan's charity quilts. I love the way that two of the bear's paws have triangles going the 'wrong' way. Such fun!
A quilt for an old person by Jan. Blue and yellow always look sunny and crisp together.
And last, but not least, another quilt for an old person from Jan. She makes so many beautiful quilts.
Have a great summer, and I'll look forward to seeing everyone in the autumn.