Monday, 24 April 2017

Crazy Mary

Here is Crazy Mary, although she didn't seem all that Crazy to me.  She did talk rather quickly at times, but she seemed quite down to earth and sensible!  She brought some of her work, book covers and wall hangings, but it was her work in schools that she particularly wanted to share with us. 

She taught primary age children so was used to working with young people.  She started with sewing projects in her own school, and then has gradually moved on to taking requests from other schools, plus some adult classes.  Here is one hanging which was entered for the FOQ.  The children printed and sewed the blocks and Mary put them together.  She described the creative process and it was very interesting to see what her brief was from the school, and then view the finished item. 

Here are some of the winter designs for the Four Seasons Challenge.  Over 30 people signed up for this, so I hope we'll have more blocks or mini quilts in July for the spring design. 

And then to show and tell.  This is a first quilt!  I wish my first quilt was as good as this!  It was put together quilt-as-you-go at the last workshop.  I love how the yellow pops! 

This is my quilt.  The stars are from Stars in a Timewarp, a Barbara Blackman block of the week.  I obviously didn't get a year's worth of stars done, but 36 is a reasonable number.  The trailing flower border insides it off nicely. 

These jars blocks were made by the Barwell U3A Craft Group by hand for Project Linus.  They are really fun to do and make a cheery quilt. 

And here is my brown bag quilt.  I'm so grateful to everyone who worked on it, and I love it!  Thank you so much everyone! 

This is a fresh and pretty Linus quilt made by Vicki. 

And here's another with pink ballerinas on it.  You can't go wrong with pink ballerinas! 

Paula has friends who own a holiday home in Cornwall.  They are kind enough to let Paula stay there if they are away, so she decided to make a quilt for them as a gift.  They will be thrilled to receive it. 

Here is a very practical bag. 

And here are two clever boxes made at a workshop run by Di.  Emily doesn't look too impressed, but I like them! 

It was a shame that we had to cancel Mary's workshop on the Saturday, but we didn't have enough people to run it.  Maybe we can get her to come over another time.  Let's hope so