Friday, 14 June 2019

Sewing in schools

A few years ago, the group bid for some money from the Waitrose green token scheme, and used it to buy rotary cutters, boards, rulers and scissors plus fabric to do sewing sessions in local primary schools with Year 6 children.  This year, we offered the sessions to John Wycliffe Primary School, who were delighted to accept.  Lynda organised it and gathered a willing team to deliver the sessions.

The room was a little cramped, and it was difficult to get photos without identifying the young people.  This is Susan, patiently sharing her skills.

Rose is keen to encourage young people, and this isnt the first time she has been sewing in school.

 Chris said she had thoroughly enjoyed the first session.  It's delightful to see how much the children learn.

Gwyneth was super organised and brought a 'Blue Peter' for everyone, so they could show the youngsters what they were aiming for.  So thoughtful!

 Liz had a taxing afternoon.  Not only were both her sewers left handed, but since she's so tall, she couldn't get her knees under the table!  But she's up to any challenge and all went well.

Julie doesn't work on Thursdays, and kindly gives her one day off to help young people!  What a star!  We also had Maria as ironer (or 'flattening lady' as one young man named her!), Paula and Jane.  Many thanks to all of them. 

Here are a few of the completed cushions.  The children choose their own colour schemes, and they all look fabulous!  We have one more session next Thursday, and then the complete year group of forty one children will have made a cushion and some of them will have had their first sewing experience.  Let's hope it won't be their last!