We had a very interesting meeting in November. Teresinha Roberts talked to us about sustainability in fabrics. Sounds a bit dry, but Teresinha is a great speaker and made it all come alive for us.
Wednesday, 27 December 2023
November meeting
Thursday, 2 November 2023
October is the month when we hold our AGM, but it’s generally a quick affair. An AGM gives a round up of the year, future plans and a chance for people to have their say. This one fitted the bill perfectly. People were keen to discuss the way forward considering our smaller membership and consequent smaller revenue. Since we have recently had our exhibition, our finances are assured in the short term, but next year’s committee have decided to look carefully at the group’s activities, especially outside teachers. We were delighted to hear that Vicki has agreed to take over the chair from Jacquie, but all the other members are staying on. Watch this space!
Then we moved on to the workshop part of the evening. Lynda had prepared some kits for a cute felt bird Christmas decoration, which seemed to go down well. Here is the Blue Peter.
Sunday, 8 October 2023
Exhibition 2023!
We usually have an exhibition every second year, but Covid disrupted our schedule, so our last exhibition was in 2019. After four years we were concerned that we might not remember all the improvements we had made to the set up, running and take down which we had made over the years, but no, everything went very smoothly. We had a fabulous exhibition subcommittee, ably led by Vicki which worked hard before the weekend to ensure smooth (and speedy!) running. There were a few hitches of course, such as not finding our quilt hanging loops until after the quilts had all been hung, hanging a quilt back to front, and missing a label completely, but fortunately people were very forgiving, and knew that mistakes happen! Twenty three members helped over the weekend, which is the majority of the group, just under three hundred people visited and we have made in excess of £1,000 to boost our depleted funds. In addition, a great time was had by all, helpers and visitors, which is the whole point of the exercise.
Here are some arrivals, met with smiles by the door helpers.
Here are some of the large quilts, hanging beautifully.
Saturday, 7 October 2023
Hawaiian applique.
Our September meeting was lead by Janet Goddard, who is ran a masterclass in Hawaiian applique. Christian missionaries introduced the art of patchwork to the Hawaiian islands, and the people are famous for their wonderful appliquéd quilts, with designs featuring their native flowers and foliage.