Thursday, 2 November 2023


 October is the month when we hold our AGM, but it’s generally a quick affair. An AGM gives a round up of the year, future plans and a chance for people to have their say.  This one fitted the bill perfectly. People were keen to discuss the way forward considering our smaller membership and consequent smaller revenue.  Since we have recently had our exhibition, our finances are assured in the short term, but next year’s committee have decided to look carefully at the group’s activities, especially outside teachers.  We were delighted to hear that Vicki has agreed to take over the chair from Jacquie, but all the other members are staying on. Watch this space! 

Then we moved on to the workshop part of the evening.  Lynda had prepared some kits for a cute felt bird Christmas decoration, which seemed to go down well.  Here is the Blue Peter. 

People got busy as you can see.

The raffle was Hallowe’en themed. 

The show and tell was quality. 

Ann had made a couple of cute small quilts for Linus.  

Blue and white quilts are always stunning. 

This medallion is fabulous. 

Here is a Hawaiian design from last month’s workshop made into a cushion.  

Here is a finished quilt from last month’s workshop.  There are some quick workers around! 

I have made this photo bigger so you can see the design.  It is a giant insect created using quilting thread.  Well done Vicki for this.