Piecemakers rounded off the year nicely with a social evening of demos, gifts, food and drink - perfection! Unfortunately I forgot my camera, but suffice it to say that the demos were very well received. Di showed her cute Santa bottle bag - perfect for making a gift of wine extra special. June had made some gorgeous felt Christmas trees which could be decorated using beads and sequins. Lynda showed an easy gift apron, which could be used for gardening, pegs or craft activities.
The members were provided with a free raffle, and the gift of a mini fabric panel with either Christmas or sewing designs on it. This could be made into a gift card, pin cushion, needle case or whatever their imagination could devise!
The members were provided with a free raffle, and the gift of a mini fabric panel with either Christmas or sewing designs on it. This could be made into a gift card, pin cushion, needle case or whatever their imagination could devise!
Show and tell was appropriately festive, and as people left, to say 'Merry Christmas' to friends you will not see until 2011 seemed a bit strange. Nevertheless, I would like to take this opportunity to wish all readers, a super Christmas and happy new year. And may all your Christmas presents be soft and squishy! 

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