March saw Piecemakers in competitive mood! I had organised a competition for making half square triangles for Project Linus, and the pair who could make the most finished 4.5" blocks in 60 minutes would get a prize. (Vicky and Ann were very keen to win until they found out that the prize wasn't alcoholic, and then slowed down!)

Lots of people had brought their sewing machines and cutting equipment, and were raring to go straight away.

This table seems to have a high ratio of helpers to machines.

Liz seems to be positively steaming along (unless she's having a power surge!)
Some people took the opportunity to relax amongst friends, which, of course, is what it's all about.

And here are the eventual winners, Di and Beth, with the grand total of 78 HSTs made in
60 minutes. Coincidentally, Vicky and Ann also made 78 HSTs, but were pipped at the post with a tie break question. (I learned afterwards, that Di and Beth kindly shared the prize amongst the four of them. That's why I like quilters so much - they're so generous!) In the evening, a phenomenal 483 HSTs were completed, and there were plenty more which hadn't been ironed or squared up too! Many thanks to everyone who took part, and rest assured that the blocks will be made into Linus quilts very soon.

To complete the evening, we had a trader from Rothwell, and there were few who managed to escape without being tempted to a little something (at very reasonable prices, I might add).

Show and tell was kicked off by this beauty, made from blue hexagons by Ann. I love this slightly unusual lozenge arrangement.

Ann also brought this work in progress. It's hard to tell from the photo, but the hexagons are just one inch wide and absolutely gorgeous!

I had been wrestling with hexagons too, but they had been donated to Linus as a partly finished top. I squared it off and bordered it, and I think it's quite pretty.

This is more my cup of tea though, made from blocks sewn at a 'Knit and Stitch' session in Lutterworth. I love the variety of fabrics and the bright colours.

Ann, Beverley and Doreen had been to the Viv Denscombe workshop, and proudly showed the fabulous book covers they made on the day. They were richly embellished.

Paula usually manages to bring a Linus quilt to meetings, and this one is her Rocheberie 'Butterfly' quilt. The arrangement is stunning!

Di has been diving into her scrap bag, having fun and creating something quirky yet useful for Linus. What fabulous colour choices.

Sh's obviously not letting the winter weather influence her colour choices, as witness in this weekend bag. She will certainly get plenty of use out of it now she's retired!

This quilt was a fitting finale to the meeting. Red and white are always stunning, but the beautiful star blocks and Irish Chain setting make this one extra special.
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