I was so intent on remembering my contribution to the tasting buffet, my buttons, show and tell, blocks for Liz etc. that I completely forgot my camera. So sorry, no photos this time. The party was lovely. We started with 'Quilt Bingo', where everyone got a 25-patch of different fabrics, and used their buttons as markers. I called out fabric types ('cream on cream', pink solid', brown geometric') and the first person to a row or a diagonal won a lovely prize of fabric!
Then came the food and drink. A super array of lovely food was provided. And there was plenty of time for chat and mingling, which was a nice change.
Show and tell was good - as usual - and then most people went home.
I was in charge of locking up and had the opportunity to do something I haven't done in a long time! Poor Ginny had parked on the grass at the side of the car park and was stuck in the mud. Di and Gill got a cardboard box to put under the wheels to help with purchase, and they, Paula and I got behand the car and pushed! I had really thought my days of pushing cars was over, but obviously not! The good news is that we still had the knack, and Ginny edged steadily onto the tarmac and away!
It just remains for the committee to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a very Happy and Quilty New Year. See you in January!
Thursday, 22 November 2012
Saturday, 3 November 2012
October meeting - AGM
Unfortunately I had to miss the AGM, as we were on holiday (in sunny climes - lovely!). However, I understand I missed a really good evening - just my luck! To start with, the AGM part was carried out beautifully : everyone had the opportunity to find out whatever they needed to know about the running of the group and a chance to raise any issues they had, and it was all completed in under half an hour! Perfect! Then there was a choice of four different workshops. This was Rebecca's, a strippy technique which looks as if it was right up my street!
Di showed how to make these fabulous fabric chocolates! They look delicious.
This tabel were all making japanese folded patchwork. This is a method of making an individual block which is already wadded and quilted, and ready to join into an instant quilt. Marvellous.
These students look completely absorbed in their task. I don't know what they're doing, but it looks fascinating!
June spends a lot of time making sure that the raffle is a bit of fun, and with Hallowe'en just round the corner, she went to town with a scarey theme! It's always a treat to see what she comes up with.
I also missed an opportunity to add to my stash. Sian brought lots of gorgeous fabrics, which proved very popular - and why wouldn't they?
there has been a lot of excitement about our new mystery quilt, House and Home, designed by Andrea, and lots of people have already completed the first block. How different they all look.
And, no, Bunty isn't playing the piano, but giving out the next set of instructions for a window block.
Show and tell was started with a bang by Gwyneth. These heart blocks were all made by a local group and donated to be made up in aid of breast cancer charities. Gwyneth joined them up and Liz kindly quilted it on her longarm. It is absolutely stunning. Well done to all who contributed.
These quilts look like Ricky Tims transformation quilts. Beautiful.
Two quilts of the same design. Don't they look different?
Muriel's magic tile. Such lovely colours.
This quilt has a simple construction, but the pretty colours and lovely quilting make it look fabulous.
A lovely runner and place mat. I'd like to have had a closer look at these.
Di is always very creative and this delightful bag is typical of her lovely work.
Jan has completed her 'tentmakers of cairo' applique. Super colour choices.
And last, but certainly not least, here is Paula's handy workshop bag which is big enough to carry cutting mats, ruler and all the supplies we quilters need to take with us when on the move.
Thank you very much to Nik who took all the pictures and sent them to me. Shame she didn't get people waving again, although everyone looks very happy!
Saturday, 6 October 2012
September and vintage quilts
What a fabulous evening we had when Jane Cobbett came and brought not only her delightful son James, but also part of her wonderful collection of vintage quilts! Here Jane and James are displaying a gorgeous Victorian crazy quilt. It was beautifully embroidered.
Some of the quilts were quite utilitarian, but still fascinating.
Double wedding ring - always a favourite.
And finally a Dresden Plate quilt in 1930s colours. Charming.
There was a lot of excitement over the new Block of the Month quilt designed by Andrea. Bunty was in charge of the organisation (and who better?) and gave out the instructions to people individually. I'm waiting with anticipation to see some of the finished blocks next month!
Now to show and tell. The wet summer has certainly had an influence on people's output! Paula was first with this lovely quilt which was made from Linus orphan blocks. I bet the donors of these blocks are kicking themselves when they see how lovely they look now!
The Linus ladies have been rather taken with working with strings, and here is Paula's excellent use of blue strings. Gorgeous.
Paula can work her magic with anything which comes her way! Here's a pack of charm squares converted into a cute cot quilt for Project Linus.
How can simple 9-patches look so good? The white makes them look crisp yet gentle.
And these 9-patches on point look completely different and quite jaunty!
And lastly, here is Paula's version of the Rocheberie Mystery Quilt. The colours are stunning, and although it is all straight seams, can you see the circles? A super design!
Ruth had been busy too, and had hand quilted this lovely cushion.
She had organised a workshop with Yvonne Brown which included lots of burning and layering, based on medieval tiles, and had made up her samples into this fabulous quilt. The colours are wonderful and very in keeping with the theme.
Ann and Doreen had both been to the same workshop, but had been more content to leave their samples as testament to a fabulous journey. Fair play.
Sarah is a talented quilter who has won commendations for her quilts in national competitions. This was a way of using up scraps - but with talent! Amazing!
This is the quilt which was commended at Bletchley - and quite right too.
Gaynor had been to a summer school and made several lovely quilts. This one was made from different sized strips, and was an interesting slant on Chinese Coins. What fun.
Here's another use of strips called tenements (I think). It looks really effective.
Here is a quilt which has been several years in the making. Gaynor made all the teddy blocks a few years ago, and then they languished in the cupboard (we all have blocks like this!) Then recently she realised that her granddaughter would be too old for teddies if she didn't get a move on, so the piano keys border was added and this is the result! I'm sure the recipient will be thrilled!
Di was asked to make this Rennie Mackintosh rose for a friend. I'm sure they'll be delighted.
She recommends buying backing fabric from IKEA (from the children's department) as it is 100% cotton, very reasonably priced and bright and cheerful!
This is the front of the quilt - simple, but very effective.
Another child's quilt from DI is this alphabet quilt. She has bordered the letters with bright colours to make a vibrant and cheery educational aid come comforter! Double purpose!
More IKEA fabric on the back - gorgeous.
Rebecca had spent her time very profitably by working these lovely Sashiko fish on this top.
On the back were these lilies and dragonflies. Rebecca particularly liked the dragonflies until she realised that their meaning in Japanese culture is 'dutiful daughter'! None of us want to be lumbered with that! (Although of course we'll do our level best!)
Next month's meeting will be the next block of the BOM, the AGM and mini-workshops. You can't miss it!
Stop Press: is anyone going to the Quilter's Guild AGM in Nottingham, as Ruth would be interested in car-sharing. Leave a comment if you are interested.
Tuesday, 31 July 2012
Stop press
Just a quick note to say that the proposed trip to the Quilt Museum in York has had to be cancelled. We need a lot of people to fill a coach, and even Ruth's usual technique of press-ganging people at bus stops hasn't resulted in enough bums on seats! Thank you to Ruth for the work she has already put in, and to Paula for organising refunds.
Sunday, 22 July 2012
Charity quilt evening
Since I was away sunning myself in foreign parts, Paula took charge of the meeting. (Looks as though she was a little stressed by it all, or is it the difficult decision of which fabrics to buy from the trader which is worrying her?!) The task was to make four-patches from 5" dark and light squares, and the pair with the most completed blocks would win a prize! I hoped there was enough fabric, as I'd practically given myself RSI cutting 5" squares!

Nik very kindly offered to take the photos, and I think she ought to do this for every meeting, as while people duck out of the way when they see me getting my camera out, not only did she get people staying in shot, but waving! Liz looks happy here, while Muriel has her attention on the task in hand.
Here are some more happy quilters! Not everyone wanted to take the challenge, which is fine, so long as they had a good evening.
Gaynor and Di are steaming ahead - I seem to remember that Di was one of the winners last year!
Another previous winner here is Ann, but she doesn't appear to have Vicky as a partner this time. Gill and Di don't seem to be worried about their chances of winning this time, though!
More people too busy to wave. Jill and Jan on the sewing machines.
I hope Rebecca wasn't on her own. She's in full flow.
I mixed the light fabrics up a bit, including not only whites and creams, but pink, pale blue and lilac. Well, so long as there's a contrast, it doesn't have to be a neutral! I hope everyone coped with this.
Di and Gaynor have been persuaded to pause and smile. I really envy Nik her persuasive talents!
Here is Rebecca's partner (and Mum) Judy, with rotary cutter at hand!
Dorothy was so keen to be friendly and keep working that she waved the iron! A formidable lady!
Some people used the evening to socialise or do their own thing. There is no meeting mext month, so a catch-up with friends was in order!
Here is the trader cutting fabric. I understand they had a profitable and pleasant evening.
June had surpassed herself with the raffle this time. She always chooses such lovely prizes, but this month had persuaded her husband to make these 'ice cream cones' and filled them with fabric! What a perfect idea for a summer treat!

Nik very kindly offered to take the photos, and I think she ought to do this for every meeting, as while people duck out of the way when they see me getting my camera out, not only did she get people staying in shot, but waving! Liz looks happy here, while Muriel has her attention on the task in hand.
More people too busy to wave. Jill and Jan on the sewing machines.
June had surpassed herself with the raffle this time. She always chooses such lovely prizes, but this month had persuaded her husband to make these 'ice cream cones' and filled them with fabric! What a perfect idea for a summer treat!
Not much show and tell, although quality is always preferable to quantity! Di brought this beautiful little doll quilt, which is typical of her high standards.
And the winner? Apparently there were two winning teams, Rebecca's and Dorothy's, each making 115 four patches! But I'm certain that everyone who came along got themselves a fun evening, and the ultimate winners will be the needy children who will get beautiful quilts from Project Linus which they can keep for ever! Thank you particularly to Paula and Nik, and all the sewers. Have a good summer, and we'll meet again in September.
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