Monday 29 November 2021

A Speaker - at last!

 At our November meeting we were delighted to welcome Pat Archibald as our speaker!  Her visit had been planned so long ago, and it felt good to see her. 

She brought some of her fabulous quilts for us to see, and used slides for her talk, which was about finding inspiration.  After the last couple of years we could all do with some motivation! 

Here is a selection of her work. 

She was all set for a workshop the next day, which was inspired by Celtic knot work. Meanwhile, the show and tell was plentiful. 

Here is an amazing applique quilt.  I don’t know the story of it, but wish I did! 

This scrappy pink quilt is perfectly complimented by the flowery border. 

Pink and brown go together so well. 

I know this is Gwyneth’s work.  She is making a Harry Potter themed quilt for each of her granddaughters and this is part of the Hermione one.  

The diagonal bars on this quilt add a great sense of movement. 

A beautiful fairytale quilt.  

Elephants for a new baby. 

More pink and brown in a very pleasing design. (as I always say, any quilt can be enhanced by a bit of lime green!) 

This is great use of a feature fabric which has been framed to make it enough for a quilt. 

This is Gwyneth’s other Harry Potter quilt, it’s the hero in the centre.  Stunning. 

And the final quilt, another pretty pink one!  There will be no meeting in December, so I wish everyone a very happy Christmas and a healthy New Year!  See you in 2022! 

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